Kaitlin's Memorial Video

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kaitlin is turning one...

On Saturday morning at 10:04 am Kaitlin turns one. I've thought so hard on what to do for her, how to honor her memory and how to get through the next two weeks. I wanted to hold a memorial for her, but I can't being pregnant and on bedrest. So I have to do one alone with Jason. But if any of you want to do your own I would love to know about it and have pictures. As her blog will be continuing on through the years.

At 10:04 am this Saturday I will be lighting a purple candle. I have a special candle holder I picked out and i'm impatiently waiting for it to arrive so hopefully it will be here. Since I won't leave a candle burning all night it will blown out before bed and relight each morning for the 14 days she lived. I also am having a special cake made for her on Saturday. On the 21st Jason and I will release purple balloons with our own messages to her on them. The final candle will be extinguished at 10:08 pm.

I will post pictures of the memorial we did here when I have it all set up. If you are doing one of your own and would like to send the pics please do :) I would love to include them.

Other Websites

There are many sites that have been created at this point that go along with my memorial for my little girl:

Miscarriage Blankets
The site I made to describe the blankets and how to order them from me.

Angel Poems
A place for my poetry along with others.

Kaitlin's Memorial CD
Why I chose these songs and their lyrics