Kaitlin's Memorial Video

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas for Kaitlin

So every year since we've lost her Kaitlin has got her own tree. It runs from the time I put it up until Christmas. It's the one light we leave on all night :)

I've gotten the names off the giving tree again a newborn for our sweet angel and a baby for Emilie. Gifts for them are bought and almost ready to go.

This year I intend on adding in the tradition of lighting a candle Christmas morning while we unwrap presents.

Merry Christmas Sweet Baby...hope you stay near this holiday season.

Other Websites

There are many sites that have been created at this point that go along with my memorial for my little girl:

Miscarriage Blankets
The site I made to describe the blankets and how to order them from me.

Angel Poems
A place for my poetry along with others.

Kaitlin's Memorial CD
Why I chose these songs and their lyrics